A pinched and bitter facial expression
Ghenrietta Gordon ? My goal for writing this article is to let people not only understand why most relationships do not work but start living healthier and fuller lives without worrying about their relationships as well as trying to change them. I am not going to talk about well beaten-up things, like mutual respect and trust, as they should be in any relationship by all means. I will talk about something much deeper and intricate, something everyone should be aware of and hopefully be open enough to use for their own benefit.
As we no longer live in the dark ages, one should be somewhat familiar with some of the laws which involve energy exchange. The famous phrases from the Bible, such as God works in mysterious ways, or everything happens for a reason, are yet to prove their point. As we all know, energy is all about vibration. Vibration on the other hand maintains itself on various levels; some are lower and some are higher. In simple language, every one of us has our own level of vibration, depending on our thought process, whether it is more positive or negative, our emotions, and our general health. In the astral world, alike attracts alike. With that said, we attract people who match our own vibration. Not a single relationship, personal or business, happens without any rhyme or reason. Everything has been calculated, if you will, with such precision by the Higher universe that nothing we do happens at a random course.
One thing people should realize is that there are no, and I repeat, there are no perfect relationships. It does not come from a pessimist either. It is a simple law we evolve around, and it cannot be done in any other way. There is no perfection in human relationships simply because there isn?t a human who is perfect. If a relationship could be perfect, any relationship that is, that would contradict any known law in the Universe simply because it is not possible?not now, not with our mindset, not in our society. So why?waste your time on trying to change someone or your relationship in general when?it is not possible? Everyone has his own flaws and bad characteristics; there are no?flawless people; therefore there are no flawless relationships. Do not try to change your partner?the change should come from within. The secret is to change yourself first, then you can change another. Once again, it?s all about your personal vibration?the other person subconsciously responds to your vibration without realizing it.
Also, start paying attention to what you are saying to your partner when you are mad at him/her. You will be surprised at how similar and perhaps alike the flaws you are calling?out in him are matching up your own. Remember the golden phrase?we attract people into relationships who have?our own flaws!?Alike vibration only can attract the same kind; there is no other way. We do not realize it but we live with someone who portraits our own bad characteristics we need to work on; that is why we are dating or married to them. Your partner helps you work on these flaws if you learn to see them and accept them, and not make a conflict out of them. I would like everyone to understand that there is absolutely no fault or blame that should be put on anyone in any relationship.
One always undergoes an invisible cleansing, so to speak, with the help if his partner. Do not try to change that other person. Just learn to listen to them and see what they are pointing out in you. Do not try to argue with them; help them understand they should not blame you or anyone else in these flaws. Instead, just sit down and calmly listen to them?when they are calling your bad character traits, they are calling their own character traits they should be working on. If everyone realized it, the world would be a much relaxed place. There is too much hate and blame in people for one another, where in fact everyone should be looking within and try to come in peace with his own character traits and appreciate his?own attributes. Everyone wants and deserves to be happy, and the change should start from within.
When you change your own thought pattern for the better, you automatically change your own vibration; only then you start attracting different people and different relationships. As long as you evolve on the same kind of negative mindset, thinking that relationships are bad and they do not work, you will be attracting bad relationships because that is what you are thinking and expecting; that is where your vibration is; those are the kind of people you will be attracting. As a recap, one attracts what one thinks. We are attracting a certain kind of people (in relationships) for a reason, the people who match our own vibration, people who have our own flaws; and if we listen to ourselves, what it is that we don?t like about them or even hate, we will know for sure what we personally need to work on. Do not get angry at that other person; they are here to help you overcome your own fears and fix your own flaws. You always have to change within first if you want other people to change around you.
The change in energy vibration takes about four months for you to start noticing the difference, so one has to stay calm and patient. You then will see new opportunities coming your way, new people entering your life, and new things happening with you, because your personal vibration has changed! Do not spend your time constructing a perfect relationship from the one you have. It doesn?t work that way. Humans are not perfect; therefore you cannot expect perfection from anyone. If we were perfect, we wouldn?t be here! Overall, the reason why most relationships do not seem to work is because most people refuse to change from within, they get stuck on the same thought pattern that keeps inviting the same kind of people into their lives. The more one resists to change, the more that situation or relationship will keep on repeating.?If only one knew how easy it is to change your whole life by changing your?thought process?
About the Author
Ghenrietta B. Gordon has previously had a few publishing credits such as documentaries on travelling, short stories, and articles for newspapers and magazines. She is a University of Foreign Languages graduate with a Bachelor?s degree. She also has completed four scripts for film production in various genres, such as historical drama, romance, and comedy. In her free time, she enjoys life coaching and writing her new nonfiction projects.
Source: http://greenheritagenews.com/why-most-relationships-do-not-work/
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